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Imovie 2 (en anglais)
PDF gratuit Imovie 2 (en anglais)
Imovie 2 (en Anglais) . Bonne lecture! Voilà ce que nous voulons prétendre vous qui aiment lire donc beaucoup. Juste Qu'en pensez - vous que déclarer que la lecture ne sont la responsabilité? Qu'à cela ne tienne, les habitudes de lecture doit être commencé à partir des raisons spécifiques. L' un d'eux est la lecture par obligation. Comme tout ce que nous voulons fournir ici, la publication intitulée Imovie 2 (en Anglais) ne type de livre obligé e. Vous pouvez apprécier ce livre Imovie 2 (en Anglais) pour vérifier.
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 420 pages
Editeur : O'Reilly (1 février 2001)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0596001045
ISBN-13: 978-0596001049
Dimensions du produit:
17,8 x 2,6 x 23,3 cm
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The saying, "All I asked for was the time, and he built me a clock," probably best describes the scope of this book. This isn't simply a comprehensive manual covering the how-to of using iMovie and troubleshooting; it includes mini-courses on selecting a digital camcorder, home video filming, special-events filming, professional editing techniques, using QuickTime, making movie CDs, putting your movies on the web, and detailed instructions on how to create your own graphics using popular programs such as PhotoShop, AppleWorks, PhotoDeluxe or GraphicConverter. It even includes a chapter on Final Cut Pro, Premiere and EditDV for anyone thinking about eventually going in that direction. Almost all of the questions raised in the iMovie forums at the Apple, MacWorld, MacAddict and other web sites are answered in this book. I glanced through a couple other iMovie books at the bookstore, and, altho they cost about the same, they fall far short of "The Missing Manual" in terms of scope, tips, workaround hints, and an enjoyable writing style. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone thinking about getting into digital video editing, as well as for anyone who already has all the hardware and uses iMovie. I would place myself in the "prosumer" category, have been using iMovie2 for five months, and thought I knew it all. Well, I didn't. But, after reading The Missing Manual, NOW I know it all. Buy it!
One reason I say "buy it" is not necessarily because it's fabulous. It IS very good. It DOES deliver what I expected. It is solid, complete and good value for the money. Despite the fact that it constantly refers to the program "iMovie," it IS a manual for iMovie 2, thoroughly revised for iMovie 2, and not just a retread of the earlier iMovie book. But the main reason I say "buy it" is that the time when you'll get the most value from this book is when you're just starting to use iMovie 2. Or, even better, BEFORE you've started to use iMovie 2, maybe even before you've bought your Mac. Don't dither. Don't delay. Don't pinch pennies. By all means, feel angry at Apple for not including any manual with iMovie 2. I know I do. But don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Just go ahead and buy the book, already. Buy it first, fume about the twenty bucks later. If you wait, you'll stumble your way through iMovie on your own. You CAN get by with iMovie's built-in help, but that's what it is--getting by. Buy the book afterwards and it will just be confirming guesses you've already made. Buy it first and it will save you time and trouble. Pogue does a very skillful job of using sidebars and inline "tips" so that the needs of both beginning and proficient users are addressed in a single unified narrative. Part 2 of the book--about 200 pages is the "missing manual" per se. The rest of the book covers topics such as recording DV on a camcorder, readying it for Web publication, and summaries of more advanced editing tools (Final Cut, Premiere, EditDV). I found this material to be excellent. I found the section on using Quicktime Pro particularly helpful. Traditional manuals act as if the software they document is the whole world. This "manual" is better. In fact, Pogue is at his best when he goes a little beyond what a normal manual would cover. For example, there are very sensible couple of pages on what you reasonably can and can't expect if you try running iMovie on an older Mac. There's an excellent discussion of just what iMovie does at different screen resolutions. So, why didn't I give it five stars? Well, it's mostly a matter of taste. I feel that Pogue has too much of the breezy, uncritical, if-you-can't-say-something-nice-don't-say-anything-at-all magazine style. Everything is just sooooo great. "It's fascinating, important, and useful to note that iMovie never actually REMOVES the audio from a video clip." Are all THREE adjectives really necessary? Useful, yes; important, OK. But "fascinating?" Is it necessary to laud the little first-time demo clip as "gloriously filmed" with a "catchy little guitar lick" and "children dancing in exquisite lighting conditions?" You can sure tell that "Pogue Press" has a different editorial style than "O'Reilly." And, for the record, I prefer the O'Reilly style. I honestly don't think you'll find a better guide to iMovie than this one. But if there were such a thing as an O'Reilly Nutshell Guide to iMovie--with an animal woodcut on the cover--I'd reconsider.
This is book is, in a word, phenomenal. David Pogue covers not just iMovie, but basic filming and editing technique. He also discusses technical items like choosing a camcorder and the necessary accessories for different types of video productions.The chapters about the different effects, titles, and transitions are great, as the author not only describes what each one each and how it functions, but also what situations might merit using the different elements. Even better, he has lots of little tips and tricks that can make your movies much more interesting. One of the best that I found (and have since used) is that you can actualy apply one title "on top" of another one. This is great for having one title overlap into another, or having mutliple titles appear at once in different locations on the screen.There are also a number of great usage tips from real-world users who contributed their stories to the book. These give great real-world examples of things you can do with iMovie that you might never have considered (for example, creating "time lapse" movies).The chapters on filming and editing technique, while short, are absolutely great for improving your movies from both the pre- and post-production sides. I used many of his filming tips when on a vacation last summer, and I think it made a tremendous improvement in the quality of the video I took. I'm still no Spielberg, but at least my home movies now look a fair bit more polished and "professional".If you use iMovie at all, do yourself a huge favor and get this book. With everything it offers, it's worth its price many times over.
I bought three books to teach myself how to produce DVDs. The Erica Sadun book is for advanced users and was not helpful to me. The Bob LeVitus "Little iDVD Book" is probably one of the most poorly organized and edited books I've ever come across on any subject.Pogue's "Missing Manual", on the other hand, is comprehensive, clear and well-organized. I've produced about half a dozen DVDs since reading (and re-reading) Pogue's book and it clearly made a huge difference in what I was able to construct using iDVD.In my opinion, this is the only book you need to read to learn how to produce movies using iDVD.Beyond teaching readers to work with iDVD, Pogue also offers loads of helpful suggestions about editing in general. This book is outstanding.
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